Current and Recent Projects
Evaluation Research
Evaluation of the Transitional Living Program
Principal Investigator
With Abt Associates, for Department of Health & Human Services
Pilot study for random assignment evaluation
Program targeted at homeless youth
Evaluation of Investing in Innovation (i3)
Task Leader for Analysis & Reporting
With Abt Associates, for Department of Education
Systematic review of evaluations of i3-funded interventions
Wide range of educational interventions
What Works Clearinghouse (WWC)
Standards Development Team
With Mathematica Policy Research, for Department of Education
Revised WWC standards related to cluster designs, missing data
Recommendations for Evaluating the Impact of Teen and Unintended Pregnancy Prevention on Health, Social, and Economic Outcomes
With the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, for Department of Health & Human Services
Authored chapter on random assignment designs
Studies on Research Methods
Site Selection Bias in Randomized Trials
Lead author (with Dr. Charles Michalopoulos)
Testing for external validity bias when sites chosen for the study refuse to participate
Sub-study within the Mother and Infant Home Visiting Program Evaluation (MIHOPE)-Strong Start for the Department of Health and Human Services
co-Principal Investigator (with Dr. Elizabeth Stuart)
With Johns Hopkins University and Abt Associates
Testing methods for predicting the impact of local program adoption based on results from multi-site impact evaluations
Grant # R305D150003 from the Institute of Education Sciences
Enhancing External Validity in Existing STEM Evaluations
co-Principal Investigator (with Dr. Elizabeth Stuart)
With Johns Hopkins University and Abt AssociatesTesting different statistical methods for reducing external validity bias from purposive site selection in multi-site impact evaluations
Grant # DRL-1335843 from the National Science Foundation
Testing Different Methods of Improving the External Validity of Impact Evaluations in Educations (completed in 2013)
co-Principal Investigator (with Drs. Stephen Bell and Larry Orr)
With Abt Associates
Developed a conceptual model of external validity bias from purposive site selection and produced empirical evidence on the magnitude of the bias
Grant # R305D100041 from the Institute of Education Sciences